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 * Check localStorage and cookie function in the browser
(function (mw, $) {
	'use strict';

		PREFIX = 'js-usrchk',
		ta = $('<textarea rows="8" readonly="readonly" style="min-width: 250px;"></textarea>'),

	if ($('#' + PREFIX).length === 0) {
		return; // nothing to do
	$('#' + PREFIX).empty().append(ta);
	ta = ta[0];

	if (typeof Storage === undefined) {
		ta.value += 'localStorage is not available.\n';
	} else {
		ta.value += 'localStorage is available.\n';
		try {
			s = 'Failed to set localStorage';
			localStorage.setItem(PREFIX, PREFIX);
			ta.value += 'Set localStorage.\n';
			s = 'Failed to read localStorage';
			if (localStorage.getItem(PREFIX) === PREFIX) {
				ta.value += 'localStorage set/read correctly.\n';
			} else {
				ta.value += 'localStorage did not set/read correctly.\n';
			s = 'Failed to delete localStorage';
			if (localStorage.getItem(PREFIX) === null) {
				ta.value += 'localStorage deleted.\n';
			} else {
				ta.value += 'localStorage did not delete.\n';
		} catch (err) {
			ta.value += s + '\nerr.message = ' + err.message;

	ta.value += 'Loading jquery.cookie\n';
	mw.loader.using( 'jquery.cookie', function ( ) {
		try {
			s = 'Failed to set cookie.';
			$.cookie(PREFIX, PREFIX, { expires: 7, path: '/' });
			ta.value += 'Set cookie.\n';
			s = 'Failed to read cookie.';
			if ($.cookie(PREFIX) === PREFIX) {
				ta.value += 'Cookie set/read correctly.\n';
			} else {
				ta.value += 'Cookie did not set/read correctly.\n';
			s = 'Failed to delete cookie.';
			$.cookie(PREFIX, null, { path: '/' }); // path must match
			if ($.cookie(PREFIX) === null) {
				ta.value += 'Cookie deleted.\n';
			} else {
				ta.value += 'Cookie did not delete.\n';
		} catch (err) {
			ta.value += s + '\nerr.message = ' + err.message;
	} );
}(mediaWiki, jQuery));